Our Services

Our Services

Our prime service is the provision of Level 1 Type 2 Reviews. 

 In ‘Room for Review’ in 2002 they suggested four levels of medicine review – level 0 which is an ad-hoc opportunistic review; level 1 a prescription review which is a technical review of a patients list of medicines; level 2 is a treatment review which is a review of medicines with the patients full notes and level 3 which is a clinical medicine review which is a face-to face review with patients of medicine and condition. A review with the patient’s notes but not necessarily with the patient (as in level 2 as described above) fulfils the criteria for QoF and CQC requirements. 

The National Prescribing Centre has recently revisited the topic in A Guide to  (2008). The guide aims to advise those providing and commissioning medicine reviews. This characterises 3 types of medicine review with an emphasis on the purpose of the review: Type 1 prescription review; Type 2  and  review and Type 3 clinical medicine review.

We also provide full Structcured Medication Review services and medication optimisation services. Please contact us to obtain further details.